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Canadian High Commissioner
HE The Honourable Ralph E. Goodale, PC
High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Permanent Representative of Canada to the International Maritime Organization

Canadian High Commission (Canada House)
Canadians in the UK in need of emergency assistance can contact the High Commission on 020 7004 6000 or ldn.consular@international.gc.ca.
You can also check the COVID-19 FAQs page, visit the Government of Canada’s official coronavirus advice page or check the Travel Advice and Advisories for the latest guidance.

Québec Government Office in London

Patrick Philip
Attaché Québec Government

The Québec Government Office in London (DGQL) was opened in 1962. We represent the Québec government in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Nordic Countries.
We are working to promote the interests of Québec towards Governments and institutions in the territories covered by DGQL. We support Québec businesses and culture to thrive and develop their activities.
Website: quebec.ca/londres
Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterDGQL
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookDGQL
Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramDGQL
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/LinkedInDGQL
Délégation générale du Québec à Londres
Ouverte en 1962, la Délégation générale du Québec à Londres (DGQL) représente le gouvernement du Québec auprès du Royaume-Uni, de l’Irlande et des pays nordiques.
Nous travaillons à la promotion des intérêts du Québec auprès des gouvernements et des institutions de notre territoire. Nous aidons les entreprises québécoises à développer leurs activités et nous soutenons les organismes culturels québécois dans leurs activités.
Site internet: quebec.ca/londres
Twitter: http://bit.ly/TwitterDGQL
Facebook: http://bit.ly/FacebookDGQL
Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramDGQL
LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/LinkedInDGQL